
Wednesday 26 September 2012


So 3 weeks in and i've finally come to grasp the assignment, i don't quiet know what the final outcome will be, and i may change my mind over the next 11 weeks, but i'm really enjoying messing around with different materials. Last week i was a bit confused about the idea i had but the more i played around with it the more ideas came flooding in.

The library has been a great help to me with the brief, 2 books i found particulary helpful are: "stitch, cloth, paper & paint, mixed media ideas & inspiration" by Angie Hughes.
this book gave me step by step ways to produce different textures that i wouldnt of had the brains to come up with myself!

Although i like this idea, i have another one floating around in the back of my head. When we were first given the brief immediately claustraphobia popped into my head, so i starting researching that but couldnt really go any further with it or challenge myself. However I started looking up quotes about space and one that fascinated me was "I know, it must have been my imagination, but it makes me realize how desperately alone the Earth is. Hanging in space like a speck of food floating in the ocean. Sooner or later to be swallowed up by some creature floating by.... Time will tell"   

This made me think about how even though the world is so vast and big, we sometimes cant help but feel so alone. I can somehow relate to this, if i were to go down this route for the brief i can use passed experiences as a resource. I have a picture drawn of a woman screaming, this emphasis the frustration we sometimes feel in our minds during difficult times.

Monday 24 September 2012

To sense my space

So far i've really been  enjoying college, at first i didnt know what to make of the brief but as the first week went by i really started to get into in. The brief we were given was "to sense my space" this was open to alot of different interputation. I started brain storming all my ideas, i even threw down all the completely stupid ideas i could think of. I was pretty intimidated by the brief but i didnt want to over think about it at the same time, i just wanted to have fun with it and play around with it

I was focusing too much on the word "space" and not enough on "sense". This let me to focus on the relationship the two words have on each other. I looked at all the different senses and one that stood out to me was the sense of touch, and how this effects a persons understanding of a particular space.This then lead me onto the different textures in a particular space. What lead me onto this was that i thought if i didnt have my sense of sight, i'd know what environment or space i'm in from feeling the different textures around me.

So i began to experiment and research other artworks with the use of texture. Many of them have layers of materials that create the texture, adding and taking away.