
Monday 22 October 2012

Artist i admire

Researching artist who deal with texture as part of there artwork has been very helpful to me. Especially during times i dont know what else i can do to my own artwork. It was pretty challenging to find other artists who use alot of texture but the ones i have found are very interesting. However i'm also researching artists that dont really use alot of texture but i admire how they approuch there subject matter and how there finished pieces look.

i particularly liked Karla Blacks pieces. She uses alot of everyday materials such as cellophane, cling film, sellotape, cosemetics such as make up, concealer, etc,. I also like how her pieces flow and take over a space. Karla Black is mainly a sculptor, also she uses texture in her artwork.

these sculptures look almost natural and have a soft, weighless appearance. I believe this was created by her choice of colour and placement 

Another artist I found helpful for my project was Judy Pfaff. She mainly created installations but what caught my eye was her paintings. She uses alot of textured materials in both he installations and paintings. Her installations are big scaled pieces that take control of the room there in. She is somewhat similar to Karla Black but they have alot of things in contrast aswell. Judy uses alot more darker and bolder colours that i think create a more harsh and busy look. Her pieces also look a bit more edgeyer and eerie almost.

An artist i admired who doesnt particulary deals with texture is Frances Lambe. She finds her inspiration from things around her, such as her love for deep sea diving. She take objects she finds and examines them up close, which is similar to theme of my project, i'mlooking at textures up close and seeing how i can recreate them. Frances Lambe is a ceramist, which is an area i'm concidering doing next year along with sculpting so i believe it is important to look at artists in the area i'm hoping to do. 

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